7 Steps To Start The Automatic Mortar Spray Machine
Date:2020-06-04 Label:
Automatic Mortar Spray Machine
Spraying Machine
Automatic mortar spray machine has reliable performance, strong adaptability, ruggedness and simple operation. The whole spraying machine requires only three people during construction, one person to transport the raw materials, one person to control the spraying material, and another person to do the assisting work. The start of the automatic mortar spraying machine is a very rigorous work, which must be carried out strictly according to the steps About the start of the automatic mortar spray machine, automatic mortar spray machine is roughly divided into 7 major steps, the following is a detailed discussion.
1. Check automatic mortar spray machine whether the power supply of the mortar grouting machine is normal;
2. Check automatic mortar spray machine whether the motor and gear oil machine are normal, and turn them several times after normal;
3. Open the pressure gauge switch and release the pressure regulating handwheel of the overflow valve;
4. Put the suction tube of the mortar grouting machine into clean water to facilitate the test machine after starting;
5. After completing the above steps, you can turn on the power. After turning on the power, pay attention to observe whether the rotation direction of the motor and gear oil machine is correct;
6. Observe whether the hydraulic reversing valve block can control the reciprocating movement of the cylinder;
7. Start the motor, adjust the grouting pressure of the pressure gauge to 1 ~ 2Mpa, and try it for 5 minutes. If everything is normal, the entire start-up work is successful.
When starting the automatic mortar spray machine, the above seven steps are connected in a loop and must not be reversed. I hope you take it seriously.